e-mail : sophie.cantin-riviere ‘at’u-cergy.fr
Sophie Cantin is a full professor at the CY Cergy Paris University since 2011. After receiving her PhD degree in solid state physics from Paris 6 University (1995), she was appointed as an assistant professor at the Cergy-Pontoise University in 1996. She joined the Laboratory of Polymer Physical Chemistry and Interfaces (LPPI) in 2000. Her research currently deals with interfacial phenomena in polymer materials and ultrathin films.

In particular, her research interests focus on Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface and Langmuir-Blodgett films : self-organization and cross-linking of polymer blends, elaboration of 2D electrodes based on carbon nanotubes and conducting polymers or functionalized carbon nanotubes for dielectric elastomers actuators, study of organic-inorganic interactions using fatty-acids monolayers as template for divalent cations mineralization. These films are characterized by means of thermodynamical studies, Brewster angle microscopy, X-ray scattering techniques and Neutron reflectometry on large scale facilities, AFM, spectroscopy techniques, contact angle measurements. The aim is the understanding of 2D phenomena, the design of ultrathin electrodes, the study of surface modification strategies, the control of surface wettability.
Scientific production : 45 Rank A Publications, 2 proceedings.
Communications : 38 oral, 24 posters
Supervision: 2 ongoing PhDs, 8 defended PhDs
5 major publications
- X. Ji , A. El Haitami, F. Sorba, S. Rosset, G. T.M. Nguyen, C. Plesse, F. Vidal , H. R. Shea, S. Cantin; Stretchable composite monolayer electrodes for low voltage dielectric elastomer actuator”, Sensors Actuators B Chem 261, 135–143 (2018).
- El Haitami, M. Goldmann, P. Fontaine, M.-C. Fauré, S. Cantin ; Inorganic mixed phase templated by fatty acid monolayer at the air-water interface : The Mn and Mg case”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 6629–6637 (2018).
- El Haitami, E.H.G. Backus, S. Cantin; Synthesis at the air-water interface of a two-dimensional semi-interpenetrating network based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) and cellulose acetate butyrate, Langmuir 30 (40), 11919–11927 (2014).
- 4. El Haitami, M. Goldmann, F. Cousin, G. Dosseh, S. Cantin; From homogeneous to segregated structure of poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Cellulose Derivative Mixed Langmuir Films Depending on Composition: An in Situ Neutron Reflectivity Study, Langmuir 31 (23), 6395–6403 (2015).
5. E. H. G. Backus, S. Abrakhi, S. Péralta, D. Teyssié, O. Fichet, S. Cantin; Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Cinnamate Modified Cellulosic Polymer at the Air-Water Interface, J. Phys. Chem. B 116 (2012) 6041–6049.