Email: fngece ‘at’
2008 – 2011 (PhD Degree) – University of the Western Cape
Research Topics: My research focus involves the development of enzyme based drug (particularly HIV and TB treatment drugs) metabolism sensors and biosensors using various green method synthesized metallic nanomaterials. Of late, the developed materials have found additional applications such as plant growth, the detection of bacteria in water and the eradication of fungi.

Scientific production : 58 Rank A Publications, 25 proceedings, 3 book chapters.
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Communications : 19 invited conferences, 7 opinion pieces, co-author of 28 oral presentations
Supervision: 1 ongoing PhDs, 3 defended PhDs, 4 Master ongoing, 4 Master completed
5 major publications
- Development of a Novel Tyrosinase Amperometric Biosensor Based on Tin Nanoparticles for the Detection of Bisphenol A (4.4-Isopropylidenediphenol) in Water, Noluthando Mayedwa, Aline Simo, Itani Given Madiba, Lisebo Phelane, Rachel Fanelwa Ajayi, Nolubabalo Matinise, Nametso Mongwaketsi, Malik Maaza, Nanomedicine and Nanoscience Research, Volume 2018, Issue 3 (2018) –
- Impedimetric sensor for tyramine based on gold nanoparticle doped-poly (8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid) modified gold electrodes, Wanderson da Silva, Mariana Emilia Ghica, Rachel F Ajayi, Emmanuel I Iwuoha, Christopher MA Brett, Talanta, 195, 604-612 (2019) –
- Tyrosinase based amperometric biosensor for determination of tyramine in fermented food and beverages with gold nanoparticle doped poly(8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid) modified electrode, Wanderson da Silva, Mariana Emilia Ghica, Rachel F Ajayi, Emmanuel I Iwuoha, Christopher MA Brett, Food chemistry, 282, 18-26 –
- Biodegradable water hyacinth cellulose-graft-poly (ammonium acrylate-co-acrylic acid) polymer hydrogel for potential agricultural application, Kiplangat Rop, Damaris Mbui, Njagi Njomo, George N Karuku, Immaculate Michira, Rachel F Ajayi, Heliyon, 5, e01416 (2019) –
- An aptasensor for arsenic on a carbon‑gold bi-nanoparticle platform, Talifhani Mushiana, Nonhlangabezo Mabuba, Azeez O Idris, Gbenga M Peleyeju, Benjamin O Orimolade, Duduzile Nkosi, Rachel F Ajayi, Omotayo A Arotiba, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 24,100280 (2019) –