(51yo) professor at LPPI (CY) since 2009 (Habilitation in 2006)
Research Topics: His main researches are focused on hybrid and organic materials (polymer, molecules and nanoparticles) devoted to organic electronics and more specifically in solar cells. Particular attention is paid to interface and surface phenomena. From the synthesis to organic hole transporter materials (HTM), its physical characteristics, his main aim is to optimize light conversion to electricity thanks to new organic structure as HTM. Additional functionality as stretchability is recently developed in such device. Moreover synthesis and characterization of luminescent hybrid nanoparticles for OLED or biolabels applications belong also in its scientific skills. Keywords : solar cells, interface, luminescence and NP

Scientific production : 92 Rank A Publications, 10 proceedings, 3 book chapters. H-index: 24 (Google Scholar)
Communications : 15 invited conferences, co-author of 14 invited conferences. Speaker or co-author of 20 oral presentations and 15 poster presentations
Supervision: 4 ongoing PhDs, 7 defended PhDs
5 major publications
- Impact of Organic Hole Transporting Material and Doping on theElectrical Response of Perovskite Solar Cells M. Ulfa,T. Pauporté, T.-T. Bui and Fabrice Goubard J.PHYS.CHEM.C, 2018, 122, 11651−11658
- Simple 3,6-bis(diphenylaminyl)carbazole molecular glasses as hole transporting materials for hybrid perovskite solar cells. Bui T.T., Goubard, F., Troughton, J., Watson T. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 28(23), 17551-17556, 2017
- ole of LiTFSI in high Tg triphenylamine-based hole transporting material in perovskite solar cell” A.-N. Cho, H.-S. Kim, T.-T. Bui, X. Sallenave, F. Goubard and N.-G.Park. RSC ADVANCES, 2016, 6, 68553-68559.
- Conducting polymer nanostructures for photocatalysis under visible light Srabanti Ghosh S., Kouamé N. A., Ramos L., Remita S., Dazzi A., Deniset-Besseau A., Beaunier P., Goubard F., Aubert P-H. and Remita H. (2015) NATURE MATERIALS Volume: 14 , 5 , 505-511, 2015
- “Functionalization of luminescent aminated particles for facile bioconjugation” A.-C. Faure, C. Hoffmann, R. Bazzi, F. Goubard, E. Pauthe, C. A Marquette, L. J Blum, P. Perriat, S. Roux, O. Tillement. (2008) ACS NANO, 2(11), 2273-2282